Dive Rescue



Come visit our stations!!



We are located at:

Station 1 - 3030 S St Phillips Road

Station 2 - 5460 Ford Road. 


Click on the image above to be directed to our contact page, and fill out the Contact Form to have us make a sign for you.




Your $52 Annual Donation – Just $1 a Week,

Makes a Difference and Saves Lives.



As we presented in our 2018 Newsletter, community donations funded the purchase of life-saving Zoll ResQPump ACD-CPR Devices to equip five of our trucks last year. Your Marrs Township Volunteer Fire Department was an early adopter of these cutting edge CPR devices designed to improve survival from cardiac arrest. The Zoll ResQPump allows the rescuer to perform active compression-decompression CPR, which promotes complete and active chest recoil. Early results are in: Since your Marrs Township Volunteer Fire Department added these devices last year, we have had two patients who, upon arrival by our first responders, had no pulse. They were resuscitated using the Zoll Pump and had a pulse when we arrived at the hospital, giving them the best possible chance at survival. Your donation helps make purchases like this possible.



This year, Marrs is once again at the forefront, this time in firefighter safety. Department Captain Floyd Hines, who oversees our firefighter personal equipment, has spearheaded our transition to new jet-style firefighting helmets. Our current helmets are over 15 years old and due for replacement. The new helmets have a much different look, are lighter weight, lower profile and more comfortable, all of which helps the firefighter performance. We were able to help beta test these helmets before their release and provide feedback to the manufacturer. The helmets are now approved by the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA). The jet-style design of the Cairns® XF1 Fire Helmet reduces snag hazards, provides a personalized fit, and houses its own integrated light module. Plus, the soft goods are removable, washable, and replaceable, helping firefighters align with cancer awareness programs as written by the Firefighter Cancer Support Network. We have Purchased eight so far. With your support, we will continue to convert to the new styles as funds become available.



Thank you for your annual donation. The donations do indeed help us save lives and protect our volunteer firefighters, making a real difference right here in our Marrs Township community. Donated funds will go towards the update of Rescue 1 in the upcoming years. Rescue 1 is a 1999 Ford Rescue Truck and the second oldest in the fleet. It will be updated like Rescue 7 was two years ago with an estimated cost of $175,000.








Interested in joining?

See what it takes to become a firefighter.

Watch some of our firefighters go through the training process.




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